Original version

Hey Groover,

If you are like me, you’ve probably had some part of you that has tried to fit into ‘the system’ while the other parts are steering you to carve out your own path… feeling truer to yourself than the direction society might have been secretly nudging you towards.

I’ve worn all sorts of hats, small business owner, freelancer, corporate exec, nomadic traveller, truth seeker and now rural farm-living entrepreneur.

I love working from home and plan to do it long into the future, it gives me the flexibility I crave, ability to be in nature and spend more time with the people I love.

At the same time it isn’t easy; distractions, isolation, stress, overwhelm… I could go on.

[If you are doing something you deeply care about… accomplishing stuff alone, feeling on top of making the progress you want towards that YOU life, consistently day-in, day-out, not compromising on living a rich life outside of work, build the meaningful relationships that nourish you and propel you forward and learning deeply from those around you. All these things can be really hard.]

Along this journey, I am grateful to have met Tova, Sruli and Taylor… we are all super different, striving to live the most us lives we can (which can make it hard to find kindred spirits), we are driven to make impact, accomplish things (we are all workaholics 🙃) and at the same time we found that the best things in our lives have happened alongside other wonderful humans.

It’s a hard tension to surround yourself with like-minded people when you are running to just do YOUR thing, we know to make it through the marathons, we’ve got to find a way!

This is a calling to be part of the movement that believes this way of living is possible.

If this speaks to you… we’ve built Groove as the community to help you live this life you want from wherever you. Knowing that its possible by surrounding yourself with people on the same journey, striving for the same destination.

We are technologists, community-architects, experience designers and builders and have been experimenting with a new way of working, Grooving, a blend of structured intentional 1 hour work sessions powered by accountability from the community with social time to build relationships (I could be saying anything tbh, trust me working in these sessions is life-changing).

This unique blend creates the most powerful time in your day and has impacts lasting way beyond it.

It just fits right into your life and you’ll start to feel the difference in on day one, and a life-changing way of working in less than 30 days.

We know we’ve landed on something magical because the more time you spend Grooving, the more you accomplish your goals and get to live the life you are striving for. The more natural it feels and enjoyable time becomes.

If you like yoga classes, CrossFit, Peloton at home… you’ll feel right at home.

Alongside this, we’ll help you find your people within the community, accomplish your bigger goals, have time for play with the community at ‘Recess’ and give you support to make working from home great.

With all the value and support we provide… at the heart of Groove are the people, a group of people that know that to be the most YOU in life (making impact, align with own values, service to others), you need people breaking out the system to support each other to do the same.

This is the digital space for living and working differently, together from our own homes.

The community where we help each other make our work week, work for us.

Come find us in the Groove.
