How to Share Groove

How to Share Groove

Hey there, Groovy people!

We would love your help in growing this community 💌 Why? Because Grooving makes getting sh*t done fun, and friends make everything really fun, so we thought, why not make Groove really, really fun by putting together a round-up so you can share Groove with anyone you’d like👇 Plus, we’re trying to hit some serious growth targets and would love your help getting there.

Want to send Groove to a friend, but not sure what to say? Look no further! These messages are great to send via text, email, or LinkedIn.

  • Hey! I’ve been using this app called Groove and I feel like you’d like it too! Basically, you hop on for a 50-minute focus session with 1-3 other people for some accountability and to make working from home more fun. There’s a whole bunch of [writers/freelancers/business owners/fill in the blank] like us on there. If you wanna bop around and check it out here’s a link (it’s free btw) → [insert your share link (details on how to at the bottom of this doc…or share if your phone isn’t handy…the only downside is this second link won’t automatically add your friend to your orbit 😔]
  • Hi 🤠 I’ve been using this app to make working a little more fun. You can schedule and join 50-minute coworking sessions and I’ve been able to get more done and meet people all over the world which has been really cool. It’s totally free, and I thought you might like to try it out → [insert your share link or]

Want some help posting on social media? We gotchu.

🐦 Twitter

Sharing my favorite corner of the internet: Groove! It’s the best place to ditch distraction, find focus, and get sh*t done. Download their mobile app and I’ll see you there!

[insert your share link or]

Time to stop gatekeeping my favorite way to get sh*t done. The best way for anyone to accomplish great things in the best company 🕺🏼 See you in the Groove, groovy people!

[insert your share link or]

👔 For LinkedIn

Attention, attention! If you’re looking to accomplish great things in great company, I have a special little corner of the internet to introduce you to 🥳

Groove is my favorite place to (share three things you like to do in Groove) and it makes conquering my to-do list a lot less scary and a ton more fun 🕺🏼

You can download their app here → [insert your share link or]

🤳 Click here for some Groovy graphics to download and share on socials, including IG stories!

🥳 Tag Groove on your socials and we’ll repost ‘em

You can also send your crew our How To Groove video. Show them how it’s done ✅

And, here’s some handy inspiration for who you might want to invite to Groove:

  1. People who like giving and receiving high-fives.
  2. Folks who love that feeling of camaraderie.
  3. Old coworkers you miss and would love an easy way to hang with.
  4. Friends who live on the other side of the world 🌍 who you can’t bear playing phone tag with any longer. Being able to join them in a Groove will make you feel warm and fuzzy, for sure.
  5. That friend who keeps talking about the podcast (or book) they wanna start, but never actually do. 😉
  6. Solo workers, people who work from home, business builders, freelancers, creatives, writers, artists, meditators, dreamers, doers, movers, shakers - all are welcome in Groove! 🥳
  7. Those who care about the work they do and want to give and receive support on this crazy journey called life. 🧡 
  8. If you know anyone who wants to get sh*t done in the best company send them our way!

Oh! And where can you find your super special invite code?

Using this link will bring your friends directly into your Groove orbit…aka you’ll be able to easily find each other in the Groove app right away 💫

  1. Open Groove
  2. Tap “📣 SHARE”
  4. And you’re off to making Groove an even more stellar place 🚀


Thank you for taking the time to help grow our community. See you in the Groove 👋